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Message board > Christmas cards exchange
Christmas cards exchange
Christmas cards exchange
Hello dear friends!
I �m looking for classes to exchange Christmas cards and short lettrs with my students. They are 9-11 year old elementary students.
Today was the first day I taught them names of the countries, nationalities and continents and I thought it would be great if they could get letters and cards from different countries.
If you are interested drop me a line and I get back to you with more details.
Best wishes,
Larisa |
2 Dec 2010
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Larisa
Great idea - would you accept it via e-mail, or do you want them by traditional post?
My school will not pay for it, or even take them to the post, so traditional post obliges me to go down the town, to the post office, always crowded and it takes quite a long time.
When I sent their works to Victoria I spent more than one hour waiting for my turn.
Let me know what you prefer.
Linda |
2 Dec 2010
I �m interested. Could you please send me an email?
2 Dec 2010
Hello, Larisa and everyone!
I am very interested in that kind of exchange too, but I guess we can �t do it with Larisa because we are both from Russia :)
So I will be very glad if there is anyone interested in such experience too. I have a small group (about 6 or 7 students) of 9-10 year olds. They are elementary students.
Will you please pm me.
Thanks a lot, Catherine.
2 Dec 2010