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Make pupils write songs

Make pupils write songs
Hi!I �d like to know if anybody has ever tried to make pupils write songs ...I �m thinking about it and I �d like to hear about your experiments!!!! |
2 Dec 2010

I �ve tried "rap". But it didn �t work out. It really depends on the students � creative abilities in my opinion. Mine liked to look for the rhymes in the word bank on a ws I �ve created for them but that �s it... I will have to try when they grow up a bit ( they �re 11 now)Sophia  |
2 Dec 2010

Something that has worked pretty well with my students is using a well known song and Ss create a new version. This way students don �t have to start from scratch. You can decide which words to erase so that Ss can change the lyrics a little, or for something more challenging erase complete lines/phrases for Ss to insert something else that fits the rhythm of the music. You could also use just the melody of a song that is familiar to your Ss, and then assign a different section to different Ss (Ss might be in small groups, pair, or individually) for them to write the new version. |
2 Dec 2010