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WORD OF THE DAY FOR FRIDAY 3/12/2010, 2nd shift

WORD OF THE DAY FOR FRIDAY 3/12/2010, 2nd shift
Hear! Hear! Word of the day - second shift:
know the rules of the competition. Don�t look it up, don�t google it,
and if you know what it means, either keep the knowledge to yourself or
join in and give us the craziest and funniest meaning. The winner is declared at midnight Spanish time.
To see previous answers, click here:
Good luck and let the daffiest one win!
3 Dec 2010

OK, this is my first effort at trying this word game.
Dapocaginous is a word used to describe a very well dressed basketball player as in a dapper cager. Koby Bryant is the most dapocaginous player on the Laker �s team. |
3 Dec 2010

Well, then, slkchina...Welcome to the show and good luck to you!
I �ve got to warn you, though, dear colleagues: There �s going to be a small delay in announcing the winner, as I �ve got to go now and I �ll check the thread again tomorrow. So... Go ahead and give it your best shot!
3 Dec 2010

it �s a slang term polka dancers use when they �ve imbibed too much punch at a polka party. dapocaginous-the polka (dance) and the gin are in us. Translates to: We �re of the Lawrence Welk era and we �re drunk. Ta da. |
4 Dec 2010