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WOD Winner for Friday 3-12-2010

WOD Winner for Friday 3-12-2010
I hate it when I have to make choices like this... Anyway, among all your smile-inspiring daffynitions, the winner of WOD for Friday 3-12-2010 is (drum roll, please):
Eibe with his/ her definition of dapocaginous:
DAPO - DOING ALL POSSIBLECAGINOUS - the condition of being in a cage DAPOCAGINOUS - someone who keeps going back to jail  He �s been arrested on parole violation again. He is really dapocaginous!CONGRATULATIONS! The real definition is: Dapocaginous(adj.):
Having a narrow heart (Source:
consisting of all the words found in the book "Reading the OED",
by Ammon Shea. All the words in this set along with their definitions can be
found in the complete and unabridged 2nd edition of the Oxford English
Thank you all for playing! Now I pass the torch on to you, Eibe!
4 Dec 2010

Wow!!! This was the first time I played :D Thank you magneto!
4 Dec 2010