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Can anyone help?
I need help with the terminology concerning English tests in primary school as I keep looking in the net and can �t find anything like that. Do you know any resource with the classification of English tests for primary school and here I mean types of tasks for the open and close tests (like for example "matching", "multiple choice", those are the ones I know). I �d really appreciate if someone could guide me a bit. Sophia |
4 Dec 2010
ı �ve sent a worksheet and it was downloaded many times, but I couldn �t get any points and can �t download any worksheet.Why??? |
4 Dec 2010
Well, when it comes to designing tests there are two type of items
Discrete items and Integrative items.
Discrete items are very "objective" if you like. These can be graded by anyone with an answer key, they include: �
Correct The Statement
Multiple Choice Questions
Information Transfer
Error Recognition
True Or False Integrative items are more "subjective" and require some judgment from the person scoring, sometimes you test more than one item at a time, examples of these are Open questions and the writing of essays or compositions , in a way they are more free
Essays compositions Giving definitions etc
I hope it was of some help for you!
4 Dec 2010
Thanks a lot, Baiba and hgrrgh. Sent a pm to both of you Sophia Hello again What would you call (other than true/false) a task in a test for young learners in which they are given a text about say winter with numbered sentences 10-12 from which 6-8 are true? The ss are to list the numbers which stand for correct statements.I �d apreciate your answers. Please write if you know the term. Native speakers, what do you call it? Sophia
5 Dec 2010