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Ask for help > Write your name in the worksheet/exam? or Write your name on......?
Write your name in the worksheet/exam? or Write your name on......?
Write your name in the worksheet/exam? or Write your name on......?
Yolanda |
10 Dec 2010
I think it �s Write your name on... |
10 Dec 2010
I guess it �s on since we are talking about an object with two dimensions as in the samples
on the wall
on the board
on the floor |
10 Dec 2010
What about the following?
I saw it written in/on a book. Write this down in/on your notebooks. Don �t write the answers in/on your books. Too many questions but I have always had problems with these prepositions in certain contexts. I hope I can solve them forever
Thanks for your answers, you are very helpful
Yolanda |
10 Dec 2010
You write IN a notebook, book, or multi-page packet or handout. This is because it has covers, which are considered borders, or sides, like a box.
You write ON a piece of paper/quiz/test/poster/wall/table because it �s flat. If you are discussing a piece of paper that is printed on both sides, use "ON the front/back". You can, also, write ON the COVER of a book, because it�s flat.
You speak ON the phone, type ON a typewriter or computer, watch a show or program ON television, listen to something ON the radio. I tell my students that if it �s electronic, use "ON."
When you discuss a book, you say "ON page 12" etc. but you say "IN the front/middle/back (of the book)." If there is a chart or box on the page inside a book �s pages, you say "IN the chart/box ON page 12" because it has borders, or sides, on the flat page.
Hope this helps!
Your American friend
10 Dec 2010