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Message board > What īs the most peculiar thing about people īs mentality in your country?
What īs the most peculiar thing about people īs mentality in your country?
Agree with you all, about the reason for this forum, that īs why to keep it going where chud meant, I have to tell you that when I was in the US, I found this strange : two women who are acquaintances or neighbors and bump into each other at the mall, they would say hello with a handshake! Here we say hello with a kiss on the cheek, no matter if you are friends with the person or if you meet him/her for the first time. Handshakes between two men are more common, but never between two women.
And chud, if a person did here what you say happens in Israel, they īd look at you as if thinking : " This lady īs crazy!" - and I īm sure noone would accept ! |
28 Dec 2010
We also kiss and hug when we meet people we know.
Another funny thing is: Because Israel is a small country and everyone served in the army, when you meet someone new and tell him where you are from (which city) he/she immedietly asks you if you know x, y and so, people that he knows, from the time he was in the army, from studies or his relatives, as if we all live in a small village. |
28 Dec 2010
As a university student,I met some students from Canada.We had a long debate over a film .They were surprised by students � fluency at English.I still remember Antony,a Canadian student, when he told me that I spoke like a book.He told me that he expected Morocco as just a huge desert,where people can īt read and write.He told me that he had always pictured Morocco without universities and without libraries. He told me that those were so-called "the facts" he had been told since childhood.Probably that was due to the eternal feeling of superiority and inferiority between the North and the South of the Earth.The Good things come from the north and the bad things come from the south.
In Morocco, people have a special accent allowing them to master the most difficult languages of the world.Moroccan people are ready to sacrifice their daily duties to offer others a help.It happened to me.I was about to miss my bus to a very far city simply because I showed a German tourist the way as he was lost in the middle of a Oasis.
Moroccan people are well-known for their generosity and hospitality.Wherever you go across Morocco,You can īt step out their homes without sipping their special tea with mint along with home-made cookies.Once you knock on the door for help,they welcome you with open arms and warm hearts , not with a dog or a gun.I my self welcomed many strange people who were tourists in my own home.They spent three days drinking ,eating and sleeping.They wanted to pay me for that.I refused!!!
An American teacher whose name was Marget Perkins, taught me at univeristy.She once told me that Moroccan people always shake hands each time you meet them during a day.In Morocco,be you a Moroccan or a stranger ,once you say hi to a moroccan,there is no need to introduce yourself or wait until you become familiar to ask you for dinner in his home.Right from the start,you are already a member of his/her family.
These values run in the blood of all Moroccans.VISITING IS BELIEVING! |
28 Dec 2010
Moroccan Jews in Israel are the same as the people you mention. One of my grandfathers � roots are Moroccan - We are more the same than different. |
28 Dec 2010
I was born in the former Soviet Union, but my good friends are Morrocan teachers who work in my school. There are many "Russian" teachers here and we all have warm relationships working together and spending time together,talking about our kids and grandchildren... |
28 Dec 2010
Dear brother from Zagora! Hope you īre doing well!
As you mentioned Morrocans are well- known for their generosity and hospitality. But they are also famous for accepting others no matter how their religious , cultural,political ...background is. Since Morocco is a melting pot,Moroccans are open to different cultures and religions. Muslims, Christians, Jews.... are living in the same community and sharing the same values of respect and tolerance.
I also met many people from different countries incuding jews in my home town. I can īt deny that I really enjoyed hearing from them that they īre looking forward for a day when all people- not only Palestenians and Isrealis- all over the world live in peace and love.
Being a part of this wonderful community, I have also the chance to know fabulous people from different corners of the world including poeple from Israel. And I have to say that one the greatest people who helped me and is still helping me is Aimee.
Thanks a lot Aimee for your great help.
To all Esl members, Wish you all happy new year full of happiness, joy and love.
Thanks again brother from Zagora. Wish you all the best of Luck.
28 Dec 2010
Wise words, Mabdel. I still have so many fond memories of Moroccan friends from my student days working in France. |
28 Dec 2010
Thanks dear colleague ,Mabdel.You have really given another sample of who Moroccans are.
It is in Morocco where any parents can let you ,as a stranger, kiss their little girl or boy on the cheek.They wouldn īt go further and take your kissing their kids for some kind of sexual abuse / harassment.You would see male friends or relatives going hand in hand in public or even hugging most of the time.It never occurs to them that it is some sort of sexual abuse.
However,these behaviors spring mainly from their kindness,compassion ,fraternity and solidarity.It goes back to our ancestors who we inherited them from.It is in this family atmosphere where we were brought up.This is the reason why you can find very extended families in Morocco.
It is still not impossible for more than two families to live together under one roof.More cousins...More uncles....more aunts....grandparents ....are still there. Poverty or homelessness has never been a basic reason that pushes them to live together.
On the contrary,it is that respect of family ties from grandfather to grandson that holds them together.Moroccans would never think of sending their parents or grandparents to nursing homes or retirement homes no matter what their health conditions are.
These are the values Moroccans lived with and are still living with, and are striving to teach their children to live with despite the overwhelming impact of globalization on them.
Many hugs ,boys or girls
28 Dec 2010
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