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Is this sentence correct?

the being lazy belongs to him (it is one of his characteristics).
6 Jan 2011

@ Kita I agree with Douglas. You can find a detailed explanation here
6 Jan 2011

I would think Merriam-Webster �s Dictionary of English Usage is slightly more authoritative than Tina Blue (who she?) and this is what it has to say about the �possessive with gerund �:
This construction, both with and without the
possessive, has been used in writing for about 300 years. Both forms have been
used by standard authors. Both forms have been called incorrect, but neither
is. Those observers who have examined real examples have reached the following
general conclusions: 1. A personal pronoun before the gerund tends to be a
possessive pronoun in writing [�] 2. The accusative pronoun is used when it is
meant to be emphasized. 3. In speech the possessive pronoun may not
predominate, but available evidence is inconclusive....[...] 7. Many writers use both forms of the construction. It does go on to say that it �is one of those idiomatic usages that seldom give the native speaker trouble � and that it �will trouble learners of English much more �. I have no problem with either usage depending on context and need for euphony...
6 Jan 2011
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