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WOD... Winner
WOD... Winner
The torch has been passed. Although all the entries were excellent and one of those extremely gross (I won �t mention your name Marion) as we know their can only be one winner. The winner of the WOD is...drum roll please..... Tastybrain.
With this daffynition:
Rolo = Rolo -gist = suffix designating one who studies Therefore: Phlyarologist (n) 1. a specialist in the phenomenon of flying Rolos. 2. an aviator who is addicted to Rolos. 3. one suffering from phlyarology (the delusion that one may mount or otherwise "use" a full pack of Rolos in order to "fly"
The actual meaning is: a person who speaks nonsense or gibberish
6 Jan 2011
Thanks, Ed! It �s my first WOD-win, so I take the honor seriously! Sorry it took me so long to post the new one!
8 Jan 2011