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Word of the Day!!!
Word of the Day!!!
Sorry, all, for the delay in getting a new WOD out. I �ve just fallen sick and didn �t log on yesterday! To make up for it, I �ve committed a good amount of time to find a word worthy of your attention. This is my first time to win, so I hope you like it! Thanks for choosing me!
Here �s the word: sagittipotent
As always, don �t look it up and/or post the real definition. We can all find it if and when we want! Besides, I �ll post the definition when I declare the winner.
8 Jan 2011
Dear tastybrain,
That �s easy:
sagitti stands for sagittarius
potent obviously stand for power
So it �s the inborn power of all the people born in the sign of the Sagittarius.
8 Jan 2011
saggitti- sagitarius (the centaur)
potent- sexually capable
sagittipotent- potent as a horse (a real stud)--in a human kind of way. |
8 Jan 2011
SAGGITTIPOTENT.... Mmmm let �s see, could it be:
sagi = saggy (no longer in its place!)
tti = tea (beverage)
potent = powerful
SAGGITTIPOTENT = A powerful and delicious beverage to get all the sagginess back into place! (please be careful not to drink more than one cup a day, extremely powerful and might cause serious side effects, something like the fountain of youth! LOL)
8 Jan 2011
I �m partial to douglas � answer, though I did like the other two as well! Good job, guys!
sagittipotent is an obsolete adjective which meant:
having great ability in archery
"Robin Hood was by far the most sagittipotent in all of Sherwood Forest, perhaps in all of England."
So douglas, I pass the mantle onto you. Hopefully, you �ll do a better job than I did!
10 Jan 2011