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Ask for help > Free antivirus programs
Free antivirus programs
My three computers run perfectly and free of risk, one with Norton (the best, but only the paid version), AVG (free version, but still good) and Avast (really good). I also use Ccleaner and a firefox extention (Wot) that prevents me from accessing "bad" sites.
I �ve never had any problems with twitter, facebook or MySpace, but Orkut and Hotmail (the email and the messenger) are a problem, they catch viruses (and also infest our pc) like honey catches flies, so I rarely use them. |
11 Jan 2011
I have been using Avira (free download) for the past year and it works great for me... |
11 Jan 2011
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22 Jul 2021
Thank you guys here but I don�t need this. For now, I have needed some ideas about how much does it cost to develop a web app and I come to know about this site article which helped me a lot with understanding this.
4 Sep 2021
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