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Make suggestions, report errors > Why is my ws reported?? Who and why???
Why is my ws reported?? Who and why???
Why is my ws reported?? Who and why???
15 Jan 2011
The text you used for the reading comprehension was a copy taken from the internet. You had taken it from a esl webpage, which is against the rules.
15 Jan 2011
funny how people always ask so accusingly and then have to be told that they broke one or even several rules ...
15 Jan 2011
@elderberrywine Especially people who have made another account after the previous one being removed for breaking the rules (copying) and who keep doing it all over again. Mena could talk about it.
15 Jan 2011
Wake, you are a genius. You gained 3,500 points in less than a month. How on earth did you do that????? You have been sharing wonderful work with us, knew right away where to find some of the most popular images available for educational material, I wish I had been as knowledgeable and insightful when I first came here, would have saved me a lot of time.
15 Jan 2011