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It´s Christmas Time
It´s Christmas Time
Good night to you all. It�s late here in Portugal (2am) and I�m still awake preparing some tests. I�ve finished now but I never go to bed without coming in here (although I don�t post much...). However, today I couldn�t help myself. We are all teachers, educators, people who have in their hands the future: tomorrow�s youth. We should help them grow, not only intellectually, but also as citizens, as people... good people. I believe in values, although they are being lost, so we should be the first ones promoting them.
I think this site is wonderful, because here we have the opportunity not only to share our work (by uploading it), but also our ideas, doubts, feelings...that�s what this forum should be for, I think. Of course it�s just an opinion, but I would like to ask you not to ruin something that�s so useful and warm, turning it into a battlefield. If you have something less nice to say to someone, maybe you should use the private messages. And don�t forget we have Victor to rule here!
Remember: we�re teachers. And also remember that it�s Christmas Time, which means Peace, Friendship, Love and Forgiveness. Let�s start with ourselves.
9 Dec 2008
I am glad you pointed that out Sylvia. I feel the same way.
It�s 9:15 P.M. in Canada. Today, I didn�t work because it is election day in Quebec. Since this morning I have mostly seen unpleasant comments from one member to another. Let�s put a stop to this. It�s very unpleasant. Why can�t there be a monitoring system to prevent downloads that are not allowed on the site. At one time, I thought I had read a post that some members might be nominated to help Victor out. If the worksheet that is uploaded is not within the norms, just make sure the points are not given. I am sure this would stop the uploading of unwanted material. I thought this is what we had on the site. Once again, please put a stop to what has been happening and put this wonderful site to what it is meant to be. Good night everyone. Pleasant dreams. PEACE AND JOY TO EVERYONE. |
9 Dec 2008
Dear Silke,
When I referred to the use of private messages, I wasn�t thinking about stolen worksheets. I was talking about something else, such as critics and comments which aren�t very nice. People get involved in arguments here, in the Forum, which I think could be avoided. And sometimes it�s not what you say, but how you say it...
In what stolen worksheets are concerned, at the end of each worksheet there�s a place to click in order to warn that the worksheet was stolen... why not use it? Or send a private message to Victor to warn him straight away! I know he must be very busy, and he�s doing a fantastic work, but he�s the one who we must talk to when we see stolen work, don�t you think?
Best Regards
9 Dec 2008