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Concerning worksheets > reasons to report a ws.
reasons to report a ws.
Hello all .
Once Douglas suggested such a sentence "I would appreciate a PM message if you notice errors on any of my materials." that can be included in one �s profile. IMHO, if you take time to find someone �s mistakes it won �t take much longer to send that person a PM. |
23 Jan 2011
il faut que nous reconnaissions nos fautes !!!! Thanks for you KIND remarks TANCREDO . You �d better read my message again . I don �t pretend I am perfect and I can admit when I make mistakes ( read the second message ) but your message is really insulting !
could YOU admit that !
23 Jan 2011
1. I think we would be opening the proverbial "can of worms" if we started reporting worksheets for having too many mistakes--not a good idea.
2. I also don�t think it would be right to require authors to include instructions on thier worksheets. As a teacher I choose what materials enter my classroom and how they will be used. It is my responsibility to ensure students understand the instructions. In fact, I sometimes use worksheets in a totally different way than the author intended--in these cases I have to either remove/change instructions that are on the sheet or explain the change in class.
Also, on the occasions where I have sent a PM to an author about mistakes on a worksheet, over 90% of the time they have been thankful for the help. Perhaps it�s in how the PM is worded that makes a difference.
Douglas |
23 Jan 2011
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