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I am sad to have opened my message box and found: �This is a message to inform you that your contribution VALENTINE�S DAY BOOKMARKS has been reported for not following the rules of the website. The moderators will review it soon.If there is nothing wrong with your contribution, it will be returned to the recent contributions tomorrow, and you will get all your points.� I was unaware I was breaking a rule, as I have already seen other ws similiar to the one I submitted, regarding other topics, with no work put into it. This is what confuses me! The main idea of having joined this site was to SHARE what little I have with others and be able to use what I need for my students and learn how to create better ws, however, I have felt, during some time, that there are �some� members who have a kick out of reporting worksheets. I am not in this for the point system and would never copy a worksheet or break a rule. |
23 Jan 2011
your bookmarks were not reported for copying, but as non-esl resources, which is a big difference. I had a look at them and had to vote for removal because they are really not ESL. And as for reporting wss - 99,9% reported wss are removed for not following the rules. Believe it or not, nobody enjoys reporting, but it �s important for keeping the site clean.
Don �t give up, I believe you can make great stuff.
23 Jan 2011
I downloaded your bookmarks from the reporting page and they are beautiful and useful. They are ESL resources, but you didn �t add anything, except from the frames and changing the poems into bookmarks.
To be accepted as yours I suggest you upload them again tomorrow (in case they end up being removed) adding a page with some tasks, questions, or something that can make the worksheet really yours.
I �d use them the way they are and I guess my students would love to have them, but (and there is always a "but"), to follow the site rules: whenever you use other person �s text you have to add your own questions / tasks. To be consistent (as we vote for lyrics or texts without tasks) we have to vote it to go, sorry.
However, I hope you don �t feel discouraged. If you add a second page with questions or other kind of activities that will make our students practice their English skills it �ll be OK and I �ll be happy to have them and will certainly download them again from the recent printables page.
EDIT: I don�t disagree that there are other printables like this one of yours reported today. To be removed a ws has to be reported first and if no one reported a worksheet - even if it infringes some rules - it�d be there forever.
When preparing and uploading a ws we should rely on the rules, because the fact a ws was uploaded and not removed at a certain date doesn�t mean it won�t ever be reported or that it remains there because it is OK. Some worksheets with more than 1,000 downloads were reported and removed after one or two years just because someone realized they were copies. |
23 Jan 2011
Hi again!
Sorry, I made a mistake. In fact, there are two sets of bookmarks on Valentine�s Day at the reporting page right now and when I saw your message I commented about the first I saw. The one I commented has some poems, but yours only has some sentences.
The idea is the same, add something to the bookmarks and it �ll be turned into a useful ESL resource. And I keep my words, I �d like to have them if you upload tomorrow with your own tasks included. |
23 Jan 2011