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Increase Powerpoint size
Increase Powerpoint size
I enjoy preparing powerpoints for my day to day classroom teaching. But unfortunately I am restricted in posting my powerpoints that can be helpful to more of you as the size is restricted to only 500Kb. Hence, I cannot post my entire presentations. It would be nice if the size could be increased to enable me to post my complete presentations as originally prepared.
Maulina |
9 Dec 2008
Good morning to you Maulina and to all the teachers in this site! When a worksheet is too heavy we usually divide it into 2, 3.... and upload them writting (1/2, 1/3.....). Maybe you could do that with your powerpoints and share ithem with us in the original form. A nice day to you all! |
9 Dec 2008
Hi Maulina: A good thing without having to change the maximum size allowed could be to have the possibility of using PowerPoint 2007 extension, that�s to say .pptx. The size is considerably smaller if we could upload using this extension. So, please webmaster, is there any change we can do it? regards to all, Gloria
22 Dec 2008