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Ask for help > Students´ levels from country to country
Students´ levels from country to country
Students´ levels from country to country
Hello to all, I am currently teaching in Thailand and wondered how levels of students in different countries and continents compare. With this in mind it is easier to tailor worksheets to age groups. For instance, in Thailand, most students finish school with a basic level of English but heavily weighted in grammar. As for speaking and pronunciation there is still some work to be done. What could I expect someone from say Spain , Russia etc. to be able to handle ?
25 Jan 2011
In Europe we have the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In my country , for example, English is the first foreign language (or the second - when German is the first one) and most of our students should be B1 at the end of lower secondary and B2 when graduating the high school.
25 Jan 2011