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To lovinglondon
To lovinglondon
Sorry so much! I didn�t meant to make any commet that could hurt anybody. It was just that some people was talking about borders and getting them, but I didn�t refer to a particular person or I was trying to say that someone was going to include nothing important for the rest of us. I�ve found fantastic resources here from everybody. Forgive me if I said something that bothered you, it wasn�t my intention. As another partner has said, in my opinion is to stop commenting on these kind of topics, we are just here to help each other, to share our materials, ideas and resources, and not to criticize others.
9 Dec 2008
Don�t worry MariaElena. I didn�t want you to think I�m upset. (I�m not!!!) I just wanted to say that the one asking for frames was me, but just to decorate my printables. I got some good links from some colleagues from ESLPrintables and I�m improving my printables with them. I strongly agree with those who think that points shouldn�t be given to those who only send frames. Don�t worry, I�m ok with you and i also agree with you when you say we are here to help each other!! Take care!!
9 Dec 2008