Hi, dear colleagues
I just wanted to say thank you to those who answered my post about pen friends and want to correspond with my students. They already know that you are interested and want to start as soon as possible...
Since the U.S.A., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand are some countries they also would like to know Ss like them, please send me a PM if you �re interested or if you know someone who would.
This was the post I wrote last Friday:
�I am a teacher in Portugal. My nineteen students (boys and girls) would like to have penfriends from different countries. They are beginner/elementary level students and they want to correspond in English. The students are 11/12 years old. They�ll write their letters about their routines, school, country� in word format and the letters will be sent to you by mail.�
Thank you so much.
Hugs from Portugal.