How would you complete this sentence.
A teacher is a person who ........
3 Feb 2011

has dedicated his/her life to helping others!!!
3 Feb 2011

enjoys working so much that very few people understand him/her? |
3 Feb 2011

�d better have a great sense of humour and love for kids and youngsters
3 Feb 2011

is often despised, never well paid BUT enjoys the best holidays! |
3 Feb 2011

does the work of twenty people and gets half the salary of one.
3 Feb 2011

..finding out he was incapable of learning, has taken to teaching.
Oscar Wilde  |
3 Feb 2011

Is : overworked underpaid unappreciated dedicated stressed loved hated a life-saver sets good examples a humanitarian plays many roles an educator friend a ear to bend a guidance counselor a shoulder to cry on ambitious caring - and probably the person who will change or save the world!
that �s my humble opinion! L
3 Feb 2011