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WOD for Feb. 4,2011
WOD for Feb. 4,2011
Thank you Imane. Ladies and Gentlemen (and if you don �t fall into either category... well, you too) I �ve been bestowed with the great honor and privilege of choosing the next Word Of the Day. For the uninitiated and the initiated as well and for those thinking of being initiated or are close to being initiated or perhaps someday will be initiated or have had thoughts of being initiated, the rules are simple. I will post a word and you must come up with witty, clever, smart or silly �daffynition� for said word, and I in my infinite wisdom will then choose the winner and he/she will then have the honor of posting the next WOD. Always remember please and don�t ever forget: Do not Google the word (or at least don�t use the Googled meaning) and don�t use a dictionary. Please be creative. Moderators will be on the lookout for those who do not participate. I�m not saying anything bad will happen but the one week I didn�t participate; all my worksheets were mysteriously reported. Be forewarned. So without further ado, well maybe some ado... perhaps just a little, the WOD is GAMBORIOUS. |
4 Feb 2011
An adjective to describe a person who invents boring games: GAM(e) -- BOR(e) -- ious.
Jyothi |
4 Feb 2011
Gamborious is a seldom used, basically useless word, as it refers to movie character John Rambo �s gambling debts, which are not exactly a hot topic of conversation. While we all know he �s very good at blowing things up, few are aware that he �s also a world class bed-wetter and uneducated swine. "Gambor" is his best stab at spelling his own name. "I.O.U", as you know, means "I owe you". For example, if you borrow $10 from someone, you write "I.O.U $10" on a piece of paper and give it to them as proof of your debt. Be warned though. Rambo is a notorious welcher and Gamborious aren �t worth the paper they �re written on.
4 Feb 2011
Gamborious is the highest degree of expertise that some individuals acquire after suffering an excessive obsession to gamble. Their gamboriousity is such that they can do almost anything one-handed so as not to lose one second of concentration since with a blink of an eye all can be lost!
4 Feb 2011
ed: u made my day , u make me laugh m guts out :))))
let �s see... Gamborious : GUM . BORIO . US mmmm a new type of sweets made of "gum", "orio" and made for "us" ??
i even got some for you :D |
4 Feb 2011
Mr V
It is the intense form for a bored gambler.
4 Feb 2011
Gam- old US slang for legs (gams)
bor - boar- a male pig
ious -having the characteristics of
gamborious- having the legs of a pig.
"She �s a very pretty lady, but she �s a little too gamborious for me."
EDIT: Picture removed (could be offensive to some). The link is below if you really must see it:
4 Feb 2011
douglas : the image is horrible :)) i pitty her |
4 Feb 2011
maryse pey�
gamborious ? Easy !
Ga means Earth
M is for Mother
B is for Baby
OR means gold
Let �s keep R for Rainbow
And again for Rious meaning laughing
The result gives A laughing and gold Rainbow shining above Mother Ga Earth and her baby.
4 Feb 2011
Is the picture real? it is like the ad of Michelin :) |
4 Feb 2011
I �m not from Louisianna, but I love gumbo. Gamborious is a gumbo lover, once mispelled.
4 Feb 2011
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