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Celtic week
Celtic week
Dear friends,
I �m very sorry for not saying anything in my previous messages. We �ve just had a celtic week in our school and we want to improve it for the following years. The workshop is called �Celtic magic and charms �. We tell them about celtic sacred charms and they made their own charm with �fimo � , a kind of play-doh that becomes hard when you put it in the oven. I would like to know more about celtic charms and the typical celtic geometric drawings because we want them to make bookmarkers for the following workshop next year. Do you know any web pages with celtic printables? I �ve been searching myself but I didn �t find much. I would appreciate your help! Thank you in advance. My best regards for everybody.
4 Feb 2011
George Bain �s Celtic Art: The Methods of Construction used to keep me occupied and enthralled through the long Highland winters. A pencil, a ruler, a sheet of paper or two and a couple of pens along with George �s detailed instructions and that was me in rapture for hours on end - or, at least, until someone called in to invite me out for a wee �goldie � or three.
I would be surprised if George Bain �s work and his painstaking instructions weren �t available somewhere on the interweb. I know that some of the early post-punk tattooists certainly used his book.
4 Feb 2011
Try these:
hope they will be useful
Greetings from sunny Portugal
4 Feb 2011