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Teaching material > Book for kindergarten level (pre-schoolers: 4 and 5 year-olds)
Book for kindergarten level (pre-schoolers: 4 and 5 year-olds)
Book for kindergarten level (pre-schoolers: 4 and 5 year-olds)
Hello Everyone,
I�m preparing this year�s new classes and I am trying to find new options to use with my youngest students. I really need your help.
I would like to know some names of books which I could use for my classes, since I would like to have a book the whole year instead of a set of photocopies.
I hope you can help me by giving some ideas/names of books.
Thanks (a lot) in advance.
Have a terrific week.
La Pao
8 Feb 2011
Hello! :)
Here is a gorgeous site with a great amount of material. There are many catagories both for children, adults and special english. You can download any book you need for free but you need registration. Some information is given in Russian as it �s our homesite. Best wishes, Natalia
8 Feb 2011
Dear Pao, Some time ago when I was a preschool teacher I used to work with "Balloons 1" which was really quite nice. I know some collegues who are using "Backpack 1" and they say it �s very complete. There �s also a very nice coursebook which some Argentinian teacher devoloped especially for preschool named "Web"(starter). I went to the presentation of this book and I liked it a lot. The book is divided into the same thematic units that children work with in kinder in Argentina so it �s great for us techers. The publisher is RICHMOND. Maybe you can have a look at these three books and decide which suits you best. If there �s anything else I can help you with just send me a pm. It �s been a long time since I was akindergarten teacher but I love it a lot and I remember a lot. Love, Naty |
8 Feb 2011
Hello! Try this site May be it �ll help. Good luck!!!
8 Feb 2011
renata tylsova
Hello! I use Cookie and friend (OUP) and after this course I use Little Bugs (Maxmillan). If you know something more,you�ll write me. Good day for everyone.
8 Feb 2011
Thank you to all of you! Your answers are really helpful!
I appreciate all of them.
Have a nice day,
Paola |
9 Feb 2011
Hi Paola,
For teaching colors and animals I recommend "Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?" by Bill Martin (look 4 it on youtube and you`ll see both the book and text). It is repetitive and easily remembered by young learners. For teaching colours through music find "Sing a Rainbow". An excellent song for all ages!!!! |
12 Feb 2011
I know this is an old post, but I teach two-year-olds and three-year-olds (reading & writing). Just in case you or anyone else are still searching, I wanted to add to the list of recommendations.
When I began teaching 2s, I looked at the books my school owned and they were just too long and complicated for them to truly understand. If you can use tech in your room, I recommend It�s free for teachers if you can verify all the information they want. I had to go back and forth with them about certain information because I teach outside of the US and they don�t give us school badges, some schools don�t have websites, and teachers don�t get special school email addresses. In the end, it�s a good product!
But, if you want a book, my thematic units include class books based on themes. The sentence patterns are repetitive and simple. Sometimes the books go along with Youtube songs we learn in class and they either introduce new vocabulary or re-enforce vocabulary in the songs (or both).
Check out my blog: |
31 Mar 2019