1- chill run down his spine
2- car engine died
You don �t give a complete sentence containing these idioms, so it is possible that some readers may misunderstand the grammatical constructions.
1a. As he enters the mortuary, a chill RUNS down his spine. (Present Simple Tense)
1b. As he enters the mortuary, he feels a chill RUN down his spine. (Present Simple Tense, using the verb �To feel �)
1c. As he entered the mortuary, a chill RAN down his spine. (Past Simple Tense)
1d. As he had entered the mortuary, a chill had RUN down his spine. (Present Perfect Tense)
2. The car engine spluttered and then died. (Past Simple Tense)
Oxford Dictionary of English: �chill � a sudden and powerful feeling of fear: a chill ran down my spine.
�die � (of a machine) stop functioning: three toasters have died on me.
I hope that this helps you.