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USA maps
USA maps
Hi everyone, I would like to make a project at my school consisting of making a map of the US, where the students will have to work. Each group of students (2 or 3) will be given one state and they will have to look for the capital city, other important cities, famous people born in that state, important landmarks, government, products grown there, and so on... They will have to write and draw everything and paste photos on the map of their state.
When all the work is done, my plan is to make a big map of the USA like a poster, with all the states pasted together as if it were a puzzle. I think it is a really good idea. The problem is I have been all afternoon surfing the net, printing maps of the 50 states, but I have noticed that they are not in scale, all of them have the same size, Texas is the same size as Massachussetts, for example. So, my puzzle won �t work.
Do you know any site where I can find blank maps or every state to print according to the real size of each of them? Chus.
8 Feb 2011
Dear friend :
Have a look at this link :
hope it helps. Have a good night. |
8 Feb 2011
Try Owl& Mouse Megamaps. I �ve used them to get nice big maps. Glue the printed pieces togethet then cut the individual states and you �ll have your puzzel. "Print out maps in a variety of sizes, from a single sheet of paper to a map almost 7 feet across, using an ordinary printer. You can print single page maps, or maps 2 pages by 2 pages, 3 pages by 3 pages, etc. up to 8 pages by 8 pages (64 sheets of paper; over six feet across!)."
9 Feb 2011
Thank you very much. I will try your suggestion, Friedfam. Philipmartin and 50states are some of the ones I had tried but all of them were the same size. Thanks any way for taking the time to answer. A big hug, Chus.
9 Feb 2011
Owl & Mouse is a great site!
Thanks a lot, Friedfam! |
9 Feb 2011