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Passport resources

Passport resources
Hello everybody!!
Some time ago I asked for help related to the teaching material of Burlington�s Passport 3. Some of you gave me indications to where to find them.
I �m again asking for help, because I �ve only got the material of the Burlington website (students zone) and it�s very poor. I need mixed-ability resources and grammar and vocabulary tests.
Does anybody have them? Could you please send them to me?
Thanks in advance!!  |
9 Feb 2011

Dear friend,
The best thing you can do is to get in touch with Burlingtonbooks and get a teacher �s password. Hope it helps!
9 Feb 2011

Hi, there
Adding something else to what Yogiba61 has said, I could also say that if you contact with BurlingtonBooks and ask for specific books for mixed-ability classes, they will provide you with some books called "Diversificaci�n Curricular" (2 levels) and 3 other ones called something like "Burlington Beginners" which are quite good on basic levels, dealing with vocabulary and basic grammar. I �ve worked with them with some of my students (especially those with "Adaptaci�n Curricular" and they are quite useful. They also have tests for all of them.
Hope it helps. |
10 Feb 2011