FAQ � Why haven�t
I got any points?
The points from your uploaded worksheet take 2 days. �Wait two days and you�ll have the points.� Be patient the points will come.
FAQ � How do I
download 30 free worksheets per day?
First you need to become a �Premium Member�. �This happens when you have 30 points please that
you need to wait 2 days before the points are counted. �Then you can download 30 free worksheets from the
show all section on the home page or following this link:�http://www.eslprintables.com/recentcontributions.asp
FAQ � How do I
make my Worksheets smaller?
Select one of the images and Right click then select
Image format. �One the �Image Tab� click �compress�.� Select �Apply to all images� and �for web or
Screen� then click Accept. �That should
be enough.� There are other methods and
more options available. �For more
information go the search on the Home page : http://www.eslprintables.com/ and enter �Tutorial�. �Here you
will find several options to reduce the size of your worksheets.� Obviously this will cost you a point.� If you have no points and reducing the images
as above is not enough, another option is two split the worksheet into 2 or
more parts, and upload them separately.
FAQ � How do I
upload a Worksheet?
Step one:�������� Create a worksheet.
Step two:�������� Make sure it�s in word (.doc)
Step Three:���� Make sure it�s less than 299kb
Step four:������� go here: http://www.eslprintables.com/send_printables/sendprintablesnew1.asp
Step five:�������� If it doesn�t work please try
again in a few minutes, sometimes it takes several attempts.
FAQ � How do I
post on the message forum?
First to post a message on the forum you must be
logged in.
You can start a new topic: http://www.eslprintables.com/forum/newtopic.asp
Making sure you select the appropriate category. Or respond
to another users post.� Click on the
underlined title on the person who started the discussion. �That will take you to the relevant forum page.� At the bottom of the page (you may need to go
to the last page if the discussion is popular and goes on for more than one
page). �Enter your comments and click �Post
FAQ � How do I
send a Private Message (PM)?
You should see a little envelope under each users flag, click on it to
send a message
These envelopes appear on the Home Page, and on the user�s profile.� They don�t appear in the individual forum
Or go here: http://www.eslprintables.com/privatemessenger/sendmessage.asp
Enter the username of the person you want
to message. �
You will see new messages sent to you automatically
when you log in. �Or you can check again
here: http://www.eslprintables.com/privatemessenger/inbox.asp