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WOD for Monday, Feb 21
WOD for Monday, Feb 21
Ok, guys! the new word isssssssssssssss:
Get your hamster working!!!! Have fun!
Mar |
21 Feb 2011
The kakorrha is a plant found throughout most of South East Asia. It bears fruit also called the kakorrha which is about the size of a large Kensignton Pride mango and similar in color when ripe. This fruit can be made into a great tasting pie but one has to be careful of pealing the fruit just right lest one leaves behind some of the rind which has been known to cause hallucinations and paranoia. These hallucinations combined with paranoia cause a condition known as kakorrha pie phobia or kakorrhapiphobia which manifests itself as a great fear of the pie that was just consumed. |
22 Feb 2011
kakorrhaphiophobia pron: k�kəʊ - rr - h�p - haɪəʊ - ˈfəʊbiə
The double r here is actually rolled r as in Spanish or my own language. KAKO refers to sound, it actually means "harsh-sounding" HAP to happy.
Kakorraphiophobia is a fear of people who feel so happy when they hear the sound of rolled R that they greet everyone they meet by "Hio". It is quite distinctive really, because this is otherwise not the most common greeting.
Hm. Not many cases in the world, it mostly appears in the English-speaking parts and some others where rolled R is ot so common and people feel that something must be wrong with the individuals who feel so happy about it.
22 Feb 2011
kakor = Swedish for "cookies" rhaphio = a name phobia = fear
kakorrhaphiophobia describes Raphio �s fear of cookies. |
22 Feb 2011
Come on, guys! Get your "daffynitions" rolling!!!!!
Will check with you a little later,
Mar |
22 Feb 2011
kak- caca (poop)
orr- or
haphi- happy
ophobia- a fear
Someone with kakorrhaphiophobia lies in bed at night and can �t sleep because they are afraid of whether they are going to feel happy or like caca the next morning. This often happens after consuming generous quantities of strong alcoholic beverages. |
22 Feb 2011
I can sometimes relate to the caca feeling, not cuz of excess alcohol, but there are other situations that can turn me into....!
Douglas, you �re the winner!!! You have the floor..........!
Thanks for participating!!!
Mar |
22 Feb 2011