Dear Samantha,
I am in the UK. I teach �English for Speakers of Other Languages � to adult learners from overseas, by using a computer. Many have never seen a computer previously. I have taught Information Technology for several years, but I am an English Teacher.
So that you don �t despair and think that you are a failure, I will say that it is not easy, (because there is so much for Students to learn). However, it is possible. That is also the opinion of my teaching colleagues.
In the first lesson, the students need to enter a Password in order to open the computer. With Beginner ESOL Students this frequently takes almost the complete lesson. Often, I must do it for them. Tell the Students to WRITE the password in their notebook, or they will FORGET it. The most common question and answer is: "Teacher, what is my Password?" "I don �t know!"
I ask the class of 16 Students: "Who can use a computer?" and I raise my hand. Several Students also raise their hands.
I write the following words on the Whiteboard, (or give them a Worksheet), and say: "Copy this onto the Computer, please! Put in your Personal Information, please!" and then wait and watch the Students:
"My name is ----- -----".
"My address is: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----".
"My telephone number is ----- ----- -----".
"I like ----- ----- ----- -----".
The Worksheet tries to persuade the Students to use Capital Letters, Small Letters, Digits, Punctuation, and also to use the Tab Key and the Paragraph Key. It also asks for Personal Information, and asks the Student to express a Preference: "I like bananas!" for example.
Within a few moments, I can tell who can use a computer properly, because the majority can not type. If you can �t type, how can you write on the computer in English? Using a Mouse is not using a Computer!
What the majority of Students actually mean is: "I can click a mouse!".
For my first lessons, I teach the students the Keys on the Computer, so that they can enter Password, Capital Letters, Punctuation, etc. They practise typing. It is only later that I use Internet material, for Reading, Comprehension, etc.
If a Student casually �surfs the Net �, he/she is learning very little English. There must be a PURPOSE behind using the Computer.
Here is a good Tip. In �Word �, teach the Students 2 or 3 Shortcuts, but only ONE each week. For example:
Hold down Control Key and hit A once = ALL of the Document is highlighted.
Hold down Control Key and hit P once = Print Document
Hold down Control Key and hit S once = Save Document
Hold down Control Key and hit N once = New Document
Hold down Control Key and hit W once = Close Document
Hold down Control Key and hit Z once = UNDO YOUR LAST ACTION, (go back 1 step).
They will think that you are an expert!
If you need help, just ask me on a Private Message!