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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Needing new material for teenagers! REFRESH my material, please :)
Needing new material for teenagers! REFRESH my material, please :)
Needing new material for teenagers! REFRESH my material, please :)
Hello everybody,
I teach some teenagers privately (12-14 years old) and I am running out of material to use in my classes. People who work with teenagers will know how easy they get bored or uninterested. Please, give me new ideas, projects, worksheets, creative sites, or whatever you think would be useful. I am sure you will widen my files. Thanks!!
27 Feb 2011
I do a project with my grade 8 pupils when studying Passive. They have to choose a favorite food - write its origin, why they love it, who makes it for them and when etc. Then they have to write the full recipe using Present Passive. 85% is the project they hand in - the best part is the other 15%. We choose a day when we have a double lesson - everyone has to bring in the food they wrote about and each in turn tells about their food (the 15% of their mark) and then we all dig in - we get to try each other�s food. You can later collect the recipes and put together a class recipe book. I always invite the principal etc. to the feast. It �s great. |
27 Feb 2011
I love this site . It tells the news around the world in a simple and interesting way. It �s easy to read and it doesn �t only cover some political topics but also gives some background iformation about the country. It has jokes, puzzles ... With the registration, the main article will be sent to an e-mail every two weeks for free, otherwise for a complete issue it �s $12 a month. But it �s worth it. There �re also some free papers to look through to see what it �s like. |
28 Feb 2011