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Message board > WOD for Sunday, Feb. 27th
WOD for Sunday, Feb. 27th
WOD for Sunday, Feb. 27th
The new WOD is: killick
You all know the rules, have fun!!!
Hugs! |
27 Feb 2011
Killick is what is done when somebody "slimes" you. Sliming involves licking someone �s face like a cow or dog would.
When you are slimed, you want to either kill the person who did it or yourself because it is so disgusting--thus the term killick (a lick that makes you want to kill).
28 Feb 2011
maryse pey�
let me try : Kill with a kick a football is impossible, as kill an ice-cream with only 1 lick is impossible so killick means not being realistic or not daring enough !
very good fun Mar and please don �t waste your strawberry ice-cream ! |
28 Feb 2011
Killick or Kill Ick was the working title for the Tarantino movie which later became Kill Bill, which rolls off the tongue alot better than Kill Ick.
28 Feb 2011
Maryse! I prefer chocolate icecream! I would KILL for it!!! |
28 Feb 2011
maryse pey�
So you are not killick ! wonderful !!!! |
28 Feb 2011