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Games, activities and teaching ideas > WOD 999 - brabble
WOD 999 - brabble
WOD 999 - brabble
Thank you Pilarmham - an honour to be chosen
Today�s word apparently derives from my ancestors language. I have never heard this word before and I just love it as well it�s true meaning.
But let�s see if you can make it even more meaningful and entertaining by doing your usual stuff. You know the go re the rules and stuff so I�m sure there will be no brabbling.
8 Mar 2011
That �s the exact word to make a long story short when describing a stoned or drunk brat who �s rattling, gabbling, mumbling smth while wabbling (yet is still standing on his feet).Must you be so hard on him? He was probably celebrating the International Women �s Day Sophia
8 Mar 2011
maryse pey�
BRAckets for BarBRA Streisand �s BuBBLEs of French champagne she puts in her so marvellous songs. |
8 Mar 2011
Today being Women�s Day it is only fitting (pun intended) that we have a word that is related to a contraption which some have called a medieval form of torture, others call it an apparatus for altering a woman�s assets and yet others, a device for enhancing women�s beauty. Of course I�m talking about what some men affectionately call �the over the shoulder boulder holder� and others, that are less crass, call the brassier also known as the bra. To brabble is to talk incessantly or incoherently about brassieres. |
8 Mar 2011
A B-rabble is a second-string mob - as opposed to an A-rabble.
8 Mar 2011
Well, excellent definitions today - it �s sooooo hard to pick a winner with such fantabulous imaginations but
I am pleased to announce maryse pey� as todays WOD winner.
Real meaning:
Verb � �To quarrel about trifles; esp. to quarrel noisily, brawl, squabble� � Brabble basically means to argue loudly about something that doesn�t really matter, as in �Why are we still brabbling about why WOD and Caption Comp belong in the cafe?� You can also use it as a noun: �Stop that ridiculous brabble and post something useful"
And just for the amusement of our male members: here�s a 2003 book to make you chuckle.
9 Mar 2011