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Games, activities and teaching ideas > WOD March 9 and 10
WOD March 9 and 10

maryse pey�
WOD March 9 and 10
2nd day for the WOD : ready to laugh ? Go for the 2nd round !!!
I have 2 wonderful answers yet... Give us more fun !!!
last chance to be the winner dear candidates !!!! |
10 Mar 2011

In the small town of Sephia in the southern United States the average income and resulting standard of living is very low. But the people of Sephia still try to keep up with times. One young man, after visiting the "city" developed a like for eating at the famous restaurant chain International House of Pancakes (IHOP).
Upon his return to Sephia he decided to open his own version of IHOP in Sephia. Comensurate to the area and his clientele, this young man modified his business strategy and opened up his first branch of International Shed of Pancake in Sephia.
10 Mar 2011