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Games, activities and teaching ideas > common mistakes and confusing words in English
common mistakes and confusing words in English

common mistakes and confusing words in English
Hey everyboy! I �m really happy to find out about such kind of web site. 
I post my first worksheet and would really like to know your opinion about it. It �s about common mistakes and confusing words in English. Let�s face it, English can be confusing. A lot of words are similar but with different meanings. It is almost impossible to avoid making mistakes in English, but you might be able to avoid making these ones.So if you are interested in it, please download it. 
13 Mar 2011

We are happy you found the site and enjoy it. One thing though please do not advertise your worksheets or other things. Several of the long term individuals will look for new people and if they have the points will download the new peoples worksheets to help them get the points so they can use the free 30 a day new worksheet/PowerPoint download option. Now as for asking opinion about it is ok, especially since we always do want to improve our work. So welcome to the site. |
13 Mar 2011