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Dear Colleagues,
What is the word in English for the book where you keep the record of Ss � marks, absence, the things that you teach etc. We used to have in a form of book two years ago. Now everything is on computer.In Hungarian we use the same word adding an e- to the beginning of the word.
Do your Ss have a separate book for their marks?
Thanks for answering.
13 Mar 2011
We call this a teacher �s daybook. Student �s here do not have a separate book for their marks. The teacher would post marks on a wall for students to look at and this is to be updated every couple of weeks. Each assignment would have a rubric and marks attached. During the term, students receive a computer generated (from the teachers) report card. This is given or mailed to the student and his/her parents 5 times a year. As well, each teacher regularly sends home emails to parents informing them of what they are doing in class, their child �s grade, each assignment �s mark and any missing assignment that the student has not completed. Hope this helps. dt
13 Mar 2011
In the USA, the book or ledger for recording attendance has been called a �roll book. � �Roll � as in �roll call �. It is also called a roster by some teachers. Another book or ledger for recording student performance, if it were separate from the roll book, would be the �Score Book, � �Performance Ledger, � �Grade Book, � or any of a number of titles. I don �t think there is a standard for the whole country.
14 Mar 2011