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Concerning online exercises > Doubt
Hello there! how are you?
here I am trying to save the world with my teaching hehe! :)
No, the thing is that is it possible to find a website that create tests online and then give me the results to my e- mail, I have this idea of give my students an online test....
If you know something about it, please let me know... it is important
20 Mar 2011
Hi kristynofis
Making online tests is neither fast nor easy and no website will create them automatically, the teacher has to do it him/herself. I have used which lets you create great tests and quizzes and stores your students � answers. This is one of the easiest and best test making tool. EDIT: Just discovered that this site also sends the results to your email!
Check also this site I have not tried it but it looks ok.
I don �t know if there is a test making software that will send the results to your email. There is a wide choice of software which you have to download and install on your computer to create tests which possibly may send the results to your email but most likely it will not be free.
20 Mar 2011
Yeah it sounds very hard to find, but i need to get advantage of internet, I have some students that are really enthusiastic with the idea of having practice test online... so that was the reason why i ask that...
thank you for you input :) |
21 Mar 2011