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Ways / ideas to use your white-board
Ways / ideas to use your white-board
Hi everyone, I trust as some of us are getting ready to go back to work after our weekend , you are getting ready for yours. I thought of doing something different and through this we could get some fresh new teaching tips/ ideas.
Lets give some ideas / tips on �How you use your white board � . I �ll start...
1. I always write an �S � in the top left hand corner to use for error correction of one of the commonest mistakes �S � in it �s many forms, and then I only need to point there .It makes ss think and it reduces TTT 2. I also draw a line down the left and right side of the board - on the left I write their lesson plan in point form and on the right I write their homework.
Now it �s your turn.Lets see how many we can get . Regards Andrea ;o) |
24 Mar 2011
The (white/board) can be a useful tool to use if it �s weel mastered.
I remember that in mt trainee year my evaluator alwas told me to clear information as soon as every student had copied the information in their notebooks.This way, there would be no clutter distracting them.
Other tip:I always write the number of the lesson, ask the students to tell the date and write it down on top and then ask "What �s the weather like today"? This way they always revise useful contents in a daily basis.
When I �m teaching something I paste the visual aids/poster, picture,...) with blue tak on BB.I think it �s useful to motivate the students!
Also, I use the BB for positive reinforcement"Well done"Great work" and so on" .
Hope it helps,,,
24 Mar 2011
Hi puddyd- it �s an excellent idea.
I �m embarrassed to say we just recently got 1 smart board for our whole school and I am dying to try it out. So, unfortunately I can �t help with tips but I �m eager to learn.
Calling all smart board / white board users - give us your valuable hints and lesson suggestions.
Barbara |
25 Mar 2011
uuh, a white board isn �t the one who replaced the black/green chalk board, the one you write on with dry erase markers and wipe with your sleeve since you can �t find an eraser quickly enough?
I use it for everything, since it is all we have.. (date, vocabulary, hangman, drawings, allowing kids to write their answers, homework reminders etc.)
Here is my tip on how to use the board to ease behavioral issues...
Whenever a student really disrupts the flow of the lesson, I write his/her name on the board. They know that if they will not be written three times. If their name is on the board twice already and they disrupt again they are asked to leave the class (and meet me at the headmaster �s at the break!)
It works as a visual reminder. Often it is enough to wave at the general direction of their name on the board to stop any second (and definitely third) disruption. The great thing about this system is that -besides being fairly effective- it allows you to point out disruptive behaviour without direct sanctions. Once in a while also the �model student � may find his/her name on the board. The kind of kid who is alsays OK but somehow now s/he chatted while someone else was reading out loud. With this system you can point out that s/he was out of line without attaching consequences immediately. It is percieved as a very fair system by students Esp. the disruptive ones like to see that you are not �picking � on them but also the �good � kids will be written down ... (even though I know that they never give me reason to write them a second time..)
It works well for me.... |
25 Mar 2011