Hi everyone, sorry to disrupt the forum with something only indirectly related to teaching but...
the disaster situation in Japan is currently stable - the nuclear power plant isn �t getting worse, it �s just not getting better & they are now trying to stop water leaks & continuing the cooling. It �ll take months, if not years, for the power plant to be neutralised somewhere near effectively...
The disaster struck areas (basically the Tohoku region) are being vigorously assisted, but the scope of the disaster makes it very, very difficult to do things quickly. People are working hard - both individuals & organisations are giving generously & helping with whatever they can.
here are some recent news links:
The school year is just starting up here in Japan, so it´s going to be a tough time for all concerned. Many schools have also been used as evacuation centres & communities have been split up with students going to many different schools...
My sister & a few other friends have sent me ´care packages´ for kids - chocolates, treats, toys, colouring pictures, stickers ... which I am arranging to send to the Tohoku region. Something that will help, even just a little, to let them know that people around the world are thinking of them & wanting to cheer them up.
& finally, my sister has opened a competition on Facebook. I believe the page itself is open to anyone, so you don�t have to friend her or me... Have a look, read the info & enter if you like!
Regards from Japan!