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Games, activities and teaching ideas > the winner of the caption 49
the winner of the caption 49
maryse pey�
the winner of the caption 49
first of all let me thank all of the marvelous participants who made me laugh so much ! Now here is the short story your humor inspired me :*
It �s the story of a crossing animal, the ZIBRAFFE, born to explain the compound word lesson. This ZIBRAFFE was looking for a scarf with zebra patterns for a neck longer than a zebra �s one but shorter than a giraffe �s, and for a special book he absolutely wanted to read �A Room with a View �. Zibry, this was his nickname, didn �t like tourists with camera and would have seen them in a zoo rather than in the jungle. He liked very much climbing for sightseeing, and his nice soft and extended pilow. Zibry often went out by the exit behind the trees to see if he could reach the sun, show Mr Lion he was taller than him, see the pirate ship, try to see if he there was an animal with a longer neck than his, to have fun and to see if he could eat upper leaves rather than schrubs on the ground. Poor guy ! His feet always killed him when he stood on tiptoes to have a better view ! But his worse default was that Gerry (his true name), Spotty �s sweet scrumptous superstud never stopped telling tall stories and wandering here and there with his pyjamas ! What a pain in Spotty �s neck !!!!
And now the winner.... JAYHO !!!! (but I have to confess it was very very difficult to choose !) Thanks again to all of you ! |
4 Apr 2011
This could definitely work as a classroom activity. The children love to create surreal stories. Thank you for giving us the chance to participate.
4 Apr 2011