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Franknbea Radio
Franknbea Radio
Last night at 8pm GMT or 9pm Central European Time "Ballads and Balladeers revisited"
New ballads, new poems, only on:
Thanks to all those who tuned in, it just wouldn´t be the same without you guys.
6 Apr 2011
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Frank
As usual , me, myself, the idiot I am.........
I didn �t know, I didn �t listen, I am always with my anthen turned down.
I need some days offfffffffffffffffff.. I �m turning kind of self made mad woman
Always alone, always with heaps of things to do, always late for everything.
As one of my kids ( a lovely, silly young girl of 12, twice my weight, ) said two days ago:
Sorry, teacher, but your age doesn �t help.
She said, simply, something like You are an old woman
She came from behind and hugged me soooooooooooo strongly, that she pushed me and I almost fell down. She hurted me, and when I was trying to explain that my feet hurt, that I was walking slowly, cause they hurt, that she had hurt me , she SIMPLY said:
So, sorry, teacher, forgive me, but, not my fault; your age doesn �t help. Had I a gun there................. you would have news from me in the international NEWS.
7 Apr 2011