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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Help, please!!!
Help, please!!!

Help, please!!!
Hi dear teachers,
I need some advice and links with materials to help 2 of my adults students who are going to Orlando on holidays. Like: at the airport, hotel, restaurant, etc...
Many thanks,
Hijab |
11 Apr 2011

Well, if they �re gonna rent a car, i advise them to talk to the insurance broker on the question whether the �ve got their insurance valid in Orlando. It �s costly to rent a car since you have to pay for an insurance, but it �s very convinient. The broker will tell how to save money. As for the entertainment I really liked Epcot and Disney �s Typhoon Lagoon water Park. Animal Kingdom is so so. For such parks as Universal studio and Seaworld, one day is not enough. I just didn �t have enough time to cover these parks. Next time;) Daytona Beach is very impressive -- the waves, the pelicans, jellyfish, but the water is freezing.It �s like a freeze burn. Hopefully in summer it �s warmer. But it �s such a big contrast, so scorching hot outside and the ocean is so cold. Kennedy Space Center is worth of visiting as well. In a hotel, there �s a buffet offerering breakfast for $10 per person. There �re also restaurants, Wall Mart where you can buy food and all the other stuff.
11 Apr 2011

Try Bogglesworld they have some material for survival English that will be useful. |
12 Apr 2011