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Concerning worksheets > What´s your opinion....?
What´s your opinion....?
lucak (F)
I asked her to delete these �("her") printables, but she didn�t reply...
14 Dec 2008
Wowww usak your WSs are so unique and original!!I�ve DLed them at the spot!!!! And she has just stolen them - what a shame!!!I will report just now!
14 Dec 2008
Olindalima ( F )
Hi, Lucak, As we say here in my country... that�s for you to learn how things are.. It means, we are open minded, we want and like to share, and then... someone appears and ... everything goes a mess. People all over the world are different, and MAINLY values, values are not the same anymore. My father used to say that Great men could have a big, important business just by shaking their hands. Nowadays you need a fair amount of lawyers to check everything, and even so, in the end, you risk a go to the court and a come back, your hands empty. Please, report to Victor. Whenever I reported a personal abuse, Victor was there. The rest, well, you feel hurt, you see this as a violation, well, well, well, go to the kitchen and prepare a nice cup of tea, sit down by the fireplace ( where are you from? Is it Winter time there ) drink it, read a good book, and be sure, the whole important community here is on your side. The others, they come and they go. MERRY CHRISTMAS
Well. JBTW,Here in the forum, I want to apologize if I have ever sent a " merry christmas" to someone who doesn�t commemorates Cx. It�s a kind of something we feel we have to say in the end of our comments, or posts. Olindalima
14 Dec 2008