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HEllo everybody Iam going to start an english course for hotel stuff . can anyone please send me a book that may help thaks
13 Apr 2011

Kimora Lee!
You really are on the ball. I love the way that somebody (in this case, hafedhenglish) asks for something here, Connections ESL coincidentally posts links to a pile of sites relevant to that request shortly after and you �re right there immediately to direct the original poster to that very same blog. You did it yesterday as well, you clever thing!
I bet you �re actually a good friend of Alex Carr, but you were so embarrassed by his previous behaviour here that you had to pretend that it was just serendipity that led you to his new blog.
13 Apr 2011

almaz sherlock holmes! 
13 Apr 2011

Hi Alex ( I mean: almaz)
Let �s look on the bright side: as it seems, Connections ESL provides solutions for whatever we need!! This is fantastic! Come on, Alex (Almaz) make a wish! 
Thank you, Alex (the other one)
Stella |
13 Apr 2011

Yes, Stella, Connections ESL is just like a wee rainbow or shooting star  |
13 Apr 2011

Cool! I �m making a list!!! |
13 Apr 2011

hello! I �m not here to judge his previous behaviour! I met him few months ago and he �s helping me a lot with my English and Spanish, too!
Whenever I ask him for a book or some information he �s there to help me!
you know, I don�t like these kind of situations!
your "behaviour" reminds me one of the most well-known lessons of the bible...
"Let he who is without SIN"
Please people try to focus your attention on more important matters/issues: think about Japan, Africa, etc"
13 Apr 2011

by the way, while you POKE FUN at Alex (not Almaz), he is fighting for the teacher�s rights of his community!
Look what is happening in his home town
14 Apr 2011

sure? I don �t think so!
those irrelevant people are TEACHERS! Alex �s mates!
as I said before while they poke fun at Alex (my friend), he is suffering for his people!
if my previous comment is irrelevant for you! what about Almaz and Stellam ones?
Come on!
14 Apr 2011
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