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Concerning worksheets > I don īt know why
I don īt know why
I don īt know why
Hello dear friends! Yesterday, I was trying to access to this wonderful website, but I can īt. Now, I īve saw the two worksheets I sent two days ago in order to be published yesterday, but I can īt see them. I think it is a disadvantage fot those people whose access or page was down. Is there any possibility to reupload the worksheets?
There is other problem. I īm trying to upload three worksheets but I can īt. It is an error and I don īt know what it is.
Have you got the same problem? I īve just saw the contributions for today and I think there are less than usual. What do you think? |
21 Apr 2011
Yes, there was a system shutdown and the site was unavailable for two days. However, things seem to be back to normal. |
21 Apr 2011
But the matter is "What happens with those worksheets whose authors or member can īt download?" I think a lot of people uploaded their wonderful worksheets and only a few members can download. I hope Victor can help us.
Oops! I forgot it. Melahel7 I like your worksheets about countries. I think I have all of them. Next year, I will use them with my students in order to know other countries and, in this way, get to know our partners in etwinning and comenius projects. You īre great |
21 Apr 2011
Hello!Well, I deleted the worksheet that was here during the system failure but no one could see, lost the points it had given me and reuploaded it for people to check it out tomorrow. |
21 Apr 2011