This game can be as a verb game or an adjective game as well.
The cards are made with the names of animals on them. (nouns)
Another set of cards are the actions these animals can do ( verbs)
The third set of cards are the discribing characteristics of the animals ( adjectives)
The students put the nouns in a column and a teacher pick any verb and a student got to match with the right noun. The same idea with the adjectives
For example:
timid ( adjective) mouse(noun) squeaks ( verb)
busy bee hums
gentle lamb bleats
clumsy bear growls and etc.
A couple more:
I.Q. Wild Animals
Eeach card contains five clues: Answer on the first clue, and you earn five points and consecutively 4, 3, 2 1 which all having a clue.
like this: 5 Horny pads on my chest and knees ptotect me when I kneel
4 Because I travel in the land f sandstorms, i have a double row of
eyelashes. I also can close my nostrils if I need to.
3. Humans calls the �� ship of the desert"
2. i store fat in the large hump on my back. I helps me survive fr long periods
without food or water.
1. Show the picture on the front of the card
Answer: camel
The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
Another game is Safari audio lotto
It�s complicated to make but lot�s of fun.
And the player will soon become able to identify the fine distincions that differentiate 50 animal cries from one another!
it�s actually challenging for adults too ;)
1 Audio compact disk 50 numbered cries of different animals
24 game cards: 12 beginners
12 experts
( 25 animal pictures per card)
1 presentation poster ( like 1. the frog amphibian, the order of the Anura, it croaks. And some inf about a frog like cold blooded, webbed feet and so on.
1 Control sheet for the game leader
200 chips