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Hi Everyone!
Some time ago, someone here mentioned this website called Wobook. Well I thought it looked great so decided to do a shared project between 7 of my students (who are at 5 different schools).
The children who wrote this are from years 3 and 4 here in Sweden and they have English as a home language in that one parent (or both) comes from an English speaking country. They are entitled to 40 minutes a week instruction in their home language. Now some children are really fluent, but more often than not after the first child in the family where the parents make a lot of effort to speak both languages at home, usually the younger ones struggle. This was a project to get them excited about English again and feel connected to other students like them at different schools here in Ume�.
All ideas, characters etc were theirs! I merely typed their ideas and helped them develop their initial ideas into something more.
:-) |
25 Apr 2011
Fantastic! Thank you for sharing it!
Congrats to you and of course to those creative children!
25 Apr 2011
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Cheezels
Great work, your kids are wonderful - what a big story. My congrats to them and, obviously, to the teacher.
Some time ago a few of us, here, opened a blog to share our students � works - it �s just starting, a few months gone, but, may be you want to have a look and upload this wonderful work there.
If so, and if you need some help, just pm me.
If not, ok, all the same.
Congrats, great work
25 Apr 2011
Great job cheezels! I love Wobook!
You have a fantastic site too Linda!!
25 Apr 2011
Simply wonderful Cheezels! You have a very creative bunch there... Can �t wait to see a new "book" by them!
25 Apr 2011