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The Royal Wedding
The Royal Wedding
Hi everybody,
a good link to talk about the "wedding of the century" (difficult to ignore it...).
Chiara |
26 Apr 2011
Have a look at this one too...
26 Apr 2011
Personally, I think it �s eminently ignorable.
And I �m not the only one. See here.
And my old mucker, Reggie Syde, agrees... |
26 Apr 2011
Bo**ocks to the royal wedding!Austerity wedding... something to cheer the nation up when we �re all going
to be made redundant and sit around watching Jeremy Kyle all day... the chance
to wave a plastic union jack and say hurrah at all this unimaginable wealth
will make us forget the bonfire of our jobs and make Austerity Britain be
delightfully jolly, despite it all. This is truly the wedding of a new century.
Hurrah. Street parties and all that. Warm Tizer and sausage rolls. But of
course, the sadness, the sadness that tinges this joyous occasion, the sadness
that tinges everything, including my own life, is that Diana can �t be there. In
the Asian, African and Latin American countries, well over 500 million people
are living in what the World Bank has called "absolute poverty �Every year
15 million children die of hunger For the price of one missile, a school full
of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years Throughout all of this coming years
more than 100 million children will die from illness and starvation. Those 100
million deaths could be prevented for the price of ten Stealth bombers, or what
the world spends on its military in two days! The World Health Organization
estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed
one-third is starving- Since you �ve entered this site at least 200 people have
died of starvation. Over 4 million will die this year. One in twelve people
worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5.
United Nations Food and Agriculture The Indian subcontinent has nearly half the
world �s hungry people. Africa and the rest of Asia together have approximately
40%, and the remaining hungry people are found in Latin America and other parts
of the world. Hunger in Global Economy Nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion -
a majority of humanity - live on less than �1 per day, while the world �s 358
billionaires have royal weddings to go to on the tax payer�s expenses.
cost of this wedding is In other words, one should not perhaps expect quite
the lavish hoopla that accompanied the groom �s parents � marriage in 1981.
Figures are difficult to come by for the total bill of Charles and Diana �s
ceremony � one estimate put the cost, including policing and security, at more
than �30m � but there is no question that the 27 wedding cakes, 10,000 pearls
hand-sewn on to Diana �s gown and 6,000 police and military officers manning the
route to St Paul �s Cathedral did not come cheap.Give to the poor children of this world I say. redbull gives you wings you know .
26 Apr 2011
Dear Zora, Yes I should have quoted the web I have with the other post from today.
But your 1st & 2nd links are not from where I got these quotes from!
so only one of your links and that is the last one on your post is correct.....
and it makes perfect sense to me the amount of money that �s going to cost for this wedding to take place could save lots of children from death in this world.
26 Apr 2011
I hate when people complain about all the money being spent on the coming Royal weddng... What about all the jobs it�s going to create? There are positive points,too |
26 Apr 2011
People need a reason to celebrate--to go out and forget about the rough times they are having for just a short while. It relieves stress, provides hope, and reminds them to enjoy/embrace life even when things seem so dim.
Douglas |
27 Apr 2011
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