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ESLPrintable Access
ESLPrintable Access
Anyone else couldn �t get access to the site for the past two days? It seems to be experiencing some critical issues and now shut downs every two weeks. |
30 Apr 2011
yes, I had a problem too. It only started to work two hours ago....I experience the same shut downs too.....I think that we grew very depending on this site that we are overloading it anymore..... |
30 Apr 2011
I �d appreciate if Victor could let us know about what is it that causes these shut downs. Are we overloading the system? Is it bandwith? At least we could offer assistance and find a solution. |
30 Apr 2011
Try to look at the positive aspect, people will get used to the system not being available from time to time and learn to stay calm about it.
30 Apr 2011
I suppose Victor has a family life and job so he doesn �t log in every single day. The problem was overcome without his interference, because there was no message from him.
I think he is out of town for a weekend, having a rest in the country and he will read about the problems later on when he gets back.
We should be patient. When the website is down, it is very sad but on the other hand it is not the end of the world... If Victor knows how to prevent the "blackout", I am sure he will do his best to solve the problems... Let �s cheer up and celebrate! Hurrah, the site is back!
30 Apr 2011