Maybe you will be able to find what are you looking for at the site http://englishtips.org/
Just register making the language English with the help of the British flag in
the top right corner of the screen and entering your login and password on the left. It is free. And you will be rich in all the resources they have got there.
Then look through the materials in the list on the left: under the title Learning Videos (there are 1342 of them), or Multimedia (537), or Software (1055) . When ,ou find the necessary material, just download it. If you know the name of your course, film? texttbook or the author, you can use the SEARCH window in the top right corner a bit lower than the British flag.
I recommend this site as the best one in the www for those learning and teaching English as it has all the things imaginable - books, textbooks, films, programmmes, multimedia and what not for different ages, levels and interests.
Good luck.