according to the concise Oxford Thesaurus :
site (noun) :1) location, situation, position, place, locality, setting, scene.
2) ground, plot, lot.
sight (noun) : 1) eyesight, vision, eyes, faculty of sight, power of sight
2) range of vision, field of vision, view
3) view, glimpse, seeing, glance at
4) opinion, view, point of view, judgement, estimation, feeling, observation, perception
5) spectacle, scene, display, show, exhibition, curiosity, rarity, marvel
6) spectacle, eyesore, monstrosity, mess / fright, blot of the landscape / glimpse, get a glimpse of, see, spot, sight, descry, espy, set eyes on, have sight of / aim at/for, aspire to, strive towards, work towards, be after, seek.